Almost Done

Posted: August 19, 2010 in Life Recap

So early today I just sent my last set of documents to the Korean consulate in Atlanta, GA.  I will say one thing about the consulate and that is they need to change their information on their website, for every now and then you might have a person who would like to schedule an interview on a Friday,  as their website indicates, and find out they don’t have interviews on Fridays and must now go on a Wednesday.  That person really might be upset due to the fact he is on a tight schedule his last 2 weeks in the states.  What a pity.

Anyways my documents are sent and I am heading down to Atlanta this upcoming Wednesday.  Also I hope I never have to step foot in another post office, for after all these shipping of documents I feel postal (Pun indicator).

My recruiter has also informed me that they will begin looking for my plane ticket.  I really hope I don’t have like 12 connections, already I am not looking forward to one flight let alone having to land in every country from here to Korea.  I have yet to determine what activities I will bring with me for the in flight entertainment, but right now the leader is heavy sleeping pills.  I would love to fall asleep upon takeoff and have someone wake me up when we arrive.  Will take any suggestions on what to take from anyone.

Will definitely keep you updated on my journey to Hotlanta and the last few days of American life.

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